Established in Speaking Life

Have you wondered why all the things around you are in chaos?  I did and in the year 2012 the Lord said to me, I am going to established you in speaking life.    My life was in chaos I was divorced twice, not happy, depressed and living pay check to pay check.  I started researching and studying the power of my words.  I studied for months and one day all my studying was to  be tested.

January 2013,  I suffered severe back pains that led me to the ER.  In that ER tests were done, the doctor sat across from me and  gave me the diagnosis of CANCER.  I heard the voice of the Lord again and tell me don’t receive that report. Stand on your confession of faith and declare your healing.

Even though the diagnosis tried to cause fear.  I did not receive it in my spirit.  I am not going against medicine, I am just sharing my story.  I was admitted in the hospital and the next day a lung specialist came in the room.  He said he wanted to show me my lungs.  He said, “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  Isn’t it ironic that he wanted to show me a picture that would come against my words.  The doctor was not aware of my exam but I knew this was supposed to get me to back down off of my faith confession.   I did not work, I was more convinced that I was healed by the stripes of  of my Lord  Jesus the Christ.

Five days of hearing doctors and nurses repeated the diagnosis and the constant opposition to make me doubt the confession of my healing finally   the biopsy was  completed and the result was NO CANCER.  I remember the doctor woke me up to tell me;  I yelled out Hallelujah and went back to sleep.   I had to learn first how to speak life over myself in the very face of opposition no matter what.   I passed that test/exam.

I have learned more and more even today the power of words.  Proverbs 18:21, “Death and Life is in the Power of the tongue.”  I now know the chaos that I was experiencing was due to the world I created with my own tongue.  I was experiencing self-inflicted word wounds that was causing death in my life.  My words have changed and so has my life.  The key to speaking life is knowing the timing.  The timing is “NOW:! It is up to you to “Speak Life Now”!!